“By dedicated practice of the various aspects of yoga impurities are destroyed: the crown of wisdom radiates in glory.”
— BK Iyengar, Light on the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali (II.28)

Yoga, like music, has been an anchor in my life. I dabbled in group classes as a teenager and college student in the USA, but it was when I moved to Chennai, India in my early twenties that my journey really began. I first went to Krishnamacharya Yoga Mandiram, a renowned institution for yoga therapy, to manage the long-term postural imbalance and pain I had developed from violin playing as well as the discomfort of sitting cross-legged on the ground for hours, a new position to adapt to in Indian violin practice and performance. KYM, founded by TKV Desikachar under the lineage of Acharya T. Krishnamacharya, emphasises the benefits and importance of personalised yoga instruction. Yoga, in this context, is much more than solely the physical exercise that it is often associated with in the modern-day. Rather, the multiple tools of Yoga, which include movement, breathing, meditation, and visualisation, are used to create a 1-1 personalised practice based on each person’s individual capacity, age, lifestyle, and spiritual orientation.

Little did I know then the impact that those first seeds of breathing and mindfulness would have on me. My teacher at the time would design a home practice for me that I would diligently practice and return 2-3 weeks later for modification and further development. As I worked and explored my physical body, my curiosity slowly moved inward, and I developed a greater interest in yogic anatomy and yogic philosophy. At this time, I also had the fortune of attending lectures given by Desikachar Sir on a foundational text of Yoga, Patanjali’s Yoga Sutras.

I subsequently moved to London, but the seeds of my spiritual journey had been planted. Through these years of practicing, I have discovered yoga’s potential to allay anxiety and stress and bring a deeper understanding of the inner self.

Alongside my professional music career, I am passionate to work with individuals or small groups privately to help them move towards their physical, mental and spiritual goals. I received my certification with completion of 500+ hour teacher training from KYM in September 2021.

If you are interested to take classes or to find out more, please email me at pree.naraya@gmail.com.

I also will be teaching asana and chanting and creating a fireside music experience as a part of Daryn’s Yoga Shala (The first of which took place Aug 2022). For more information about upcoming retreats, please do get in touch.